Lizard People, Dear Readers

Xenogenesis (Lilith's Brood) by Octavia Butler (LPDR 00012)



It’s another episode from the vault! The Lizard People discuss Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis saga (also known as the Lililth’s Brood series), consisting of Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago. Xenogenesis is a wild, weird tale about aliens, gender, and survival, sparking a lot of deep conversation by the Lizard People who are certainly still human and not at all reptilians from another planet. As always, the discussion is majorly spoilerific, so do try to read along before you listen to the podcast. As a reminder, after next session’s Culture Club episode, the Lizard People will be covering Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora, so get ready by getting it read. Check us out on twitter @DRLizardPeople, email us at and feel free to wake Peter up if he is sleeping, he won’t mind.