The Monero Monitor Podcast

E08 - Monero Uncensored with guest Chris DeRose



Today, I talk with Chris DeRose of the Bitcoin Uncensored YouTube show and podcast about changes he's undergoing with his show, his thoughts on the Monero community and the potential future Monero needs to plan for, and the movements of the cryptocurrency space in general. If you're unfamiliar with Chris, check out his YouTube channel,   Get a deeper glimpse into what makes Chris tick, find out why he recently wrote a letter to the SEC about the ongoing ICO crazy in Ethereum, and why he's been so friendly towards Monero as of late. Today's show is a bit edgy, so maybe don't listen around the little ones!   Interested in trying out cloud computing? Visit for info on how to get $10 towards your first compute node at DigitalOcean (where we host this site!).   Music featured in the show is "The Grind" by Justin Maher and used under a Creative Commons License.    Enjoy the show? Please consi