The Monero Monitor Podcast

E13 - Over-the-counter Monero trading with



On this week's episode, I talk with co-founder Alex about the launch of their new platform, how the service works, whether we can trust them, and a bit about who they are. We talk about why they are for now choosing to stay anonymous and the complications that can cause, and we talk about the Monero community's response to their service so far. We also get into why they chose to locate in Hong Kong, as well as a bit about Hong Kong's place in the cryptocurrency space. Listen in and then reach out to Alex about the service and me about the episode!   Music featured in the show is "The Grind" by Justin Maher and used under a Creative Commons License.   Support the show by donating XMR: 47SMPWHYcn5AfKzYF3c6cX94dCNcijKfdMgkCBTEmMtG4q9u9GdN7YdAmP777hfkmg52xntkDyxwh3nKcdGa2eApFAe5oZx