The Monero Monitor Podcast

E15 - GloBee with Ric Spagni, Ray Prince, and Pat Spitalieri



We're back! Riccardo "fluffypony" Spagni (CEO), Raymond Prince (Operations Manager), and Patrizio Spitalieri (Support Manager) join the show to talk about their online payments startup We discuss the hows and whys of GloBee's service, their position in the greater Monero ecosystem, and touch on the Super Secret GloBee Project on the horizon! If you're interested in learning more about GloBee, check them out at or @GloBeeCom on Twitter. Or tweet Ric (@fluffypony), Ray (@RayPrinceVII), or Pat (@Patrizio23) directly! Today's episode also begins a scaling back of the podcast for a little while. We love the show, but other commitments (touched on in this episode!) are limiting our ability to produce bi-weekly episodes. Look for about one episode per month moving forward; if and when we can scale back up to bi-weekly shows, we will! Thanks for all the support!   Support the show by donating XMR today: 47SMPWHYcn5AfKzYF3c6cX94dCNcijKfdMgkCBTEmMtG4q9u9GdN7YdAmP777hfkmg52xntkDyxwh3nKcdGa2eApFAe5