State Shifters

SSP 086: Weekly Lesson - Lockdown Lessons



Lockdown Lessons On Sunday, Perth began a 5-day lockdown. I feel this isolation time is exactly what we needed. Time to slow down, process, reflect, plan and embody everything we’ve been learning. I’m continually amazed at how life can subtly direct me into the areas that need my attention. Lockdown is a time to look in. What type of action is needed? I invite you to live by the following affirmation: ”I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same.” Connect with me on: - Instagram: - Facebook: Join my Facebook page ‘Reprogramming Your Mind with Meditation’ This podcast episode, recorded on January 31, 2021, is part of my IGTV series called “Weekly Lessons,” where I chat solo about some of the things I’ve learned over the week. I’ll be releasing these as a video on my Instagram every week, and every Tuesday as a podcast.