Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Rachel Wears Track Pants to a Wedding Reception



S05 E01 - TO After Ross Says Rachel Signature Beverage: Froot Loop Martini http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/froot-loops-martini 00:01:35 — A special COVID update 00:05:20 — Elizabeth tried to make a Froot Loops martini, and accidentally made a bubblegum martini! 00:08:54 — Chandler has new teeth! 00:10:45 — Elizabeth’s theory about when they filmed which scenes and where 00:22:00 — Lisa Kudrow starts wearing a wig in Season 5; she cut her hair after having her baby at the end of Season 4 00:27:35 — The joy of gnawing on a cold piece of steak, right out of your hand 00:43:12 — Couples who publicly demean each other … what are your thoughts? 00:54:00 — The perfection that is … the Grand Gesture