Handbag Marinara: The Food, Fashion, And Fun Of Friends

TOW Rachel's Strapless Yellow Dress!



S05 E02 - TOW All the Kissing Signature Beverage: Besame Ouzo http://handbagmarinara.com/blog/besame-ouzo 00:05:00 - Elizabeth explains our Signature Beverage 00:10:45 - An iconic Mondler scene: the bathtub! 00:12:45 - Have you ever tried to hold your breath for as long as Monica goes under the water? **Support our Season 5 charity: World Central Kitchen!** donate.wck.org/handbagmarinara 00:24:45 - We’ve entered Long-Haired Ross Season, y’all! #PrimeSchwimmer 00:43:44 - OMG IT’S RACHEL’S STRAPLESS YELLOW DRESS 00:55:30 - Rachel gives us her “stop it!” that Elizabeth uses when she loses her temper with people