Español Automático Podcast

Aprende español descubriendo Barcelona [parte 2]



FREE Transcript - Three important announcements: *First: in August we go on vacations, so there will be no podcast episodes published in August. The next podcast will be online the 6th of September. Mark the date on your calendar! *Second: We are working hard to finish the Free Video Course: 7 Leyes de Español Automatico before going on vacations. If you want to be the first to know when it will be online, please subscribe to the waiting list here: *Third: we are launching the “secret podcast episodes”! You can subscribe now to get FREE extra audios to improve your Spanish. These exclusive “secret podcasts” will not be available online, so if you want to get them each month, subscribe - Today we continue our journey discovering Barcelona. In today's podcast: -discover the most charming corners of Barcelona, a magical place, full of mystery and incredible stories -you'll walk around the Gothic Quart