Free Cities Podcast's Podcast|liberty|freedom|ideas




Andreas Kohl Martinez is on the show to discuss Lichtenstein, this tiny country strongly follows Austrian Economic Policies. The country defies many objections to Libertarian principles, they have no armed forces, a small population with few natural resources yet they the world's highest per capita GDP, and a diverse economy that includes: agriculture, manufacturing, and banking. It also allows the right of secession to any town or village within its borders by a simple majority vote. The monarch of Lichtenstein receives no tax revenue. Yet the country has never been invaded and has had the moral backbone to provide passports to Jews in WWII and refused to repatriate Russian refugees after WWII a move that saved hundreds of lives and was something no other country did. Lichtenstein is an amazing example for anyone interested in Liberty. Links: Vernon Smith Prize Andreas Foundation Liberty and Austrian economics in the principality of Liechtenstein Lichtenstein Non-Aggression in Foreign Relations Vent d' Est