Creative Mama

34: Letting Go



The newborn and toddler years of our kids’ lives seem to both drag on foreverrrrrrr and fly by. One day we look up, and our baby is a preteen. How did we get here and are we preparing our kids (and our own hearts) for the next chapter? Join me for Creative Mama [Episode 34] as I share my thoughts regarding the process of letting go of control over our children, one park visit or sleep-away camp at a time. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to With this episode, we’re wrapping up Season 3 of the show. I’ll be off for the next several weeks, but you can join me again on Monday, September 9th when we kick off Season 4! *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creative Mama and other pursuits Support the show by making a donation Shop on Amazon through our Affiliate store