Creative Mama

37: Just a Mom



Motherhood is so rewarding. And HARD. And sweet. And overwhelming. And thankless. And full of joy and wonder and worry and laughter and tears. In short, motherhood is an opportunity to experience the fullness of life! When a new acquaintance asks, “What do you do?", do you find yourself replying, “Oh, I’m just a mom,” and then feeling a bit ashamed, as if mothering is not a worthwhile contribution to society? Well, you are wrong! Nurturing the next generation is one of the highest callings there is, and YOU are doing a great job. Join us for Creative Mama [Episode 37], where I share some insights and encouragement for those of us who know deep down we are so much more than “just” a mom. As always, I'd love to connect with you through my website or Instagram, or you can send an email to *** People, Places & Things in This Episode: For more information about The Lift Event, email, attn: Robin Meadows Connect with Abbi on Instagram, the home of Creati