Swagg University

How To Create the Career You Want with Orlando Haynes



Maybe you’re looking to advance your career or leave your current position, you don’t to take on the job search alone.  Career/job recruiters are hired by businesses to identify talent to fit their organizational needs.  In this episode, Orlando teaches us how position yourself for the position you want.  Recruiters can point you toward the right job career opportunity.  Orlando helps you clarify your goals and makes finding the right career path easier. He provides real insight and information from the eyes of an active recruiter using several platforms. With a career spanning over 15 years in corporate America, including Corporate and Agency recruiting, Orlando has a unique and well-rounded perspective on how recruiters think and what hiring managers look for.  Orlando is passionate about taking individuals from the job seeker to the sought after and has helped guide, coach, and develop over a thousand job seekers towards interview success. Orlando is a published author and speaker for all things career dev