Swagg University

Understanding the Purpose in Your Busy



Are you always busy?  Busy doing important stuff?  What makes it important?  Is all that busy moving your purpose forward or producing your desired outcomes?  If not, stop and ask yourself why.  You may be busy distracting yourself from your real purpose and the goals you need to achieve now. In this episode, I share a few tips on getting clear on your purpose and moving on your goals. First, let’s get clear on your vision. Paint a picture of end result and remind yourself how great things will be when you reach the endpoint. And second, set yourself up for success.  If you make choose to conquer your hardest tasks first, it clears the path for success on the remaining journey.  Check out the episode, for more tips. If you are serious about getting clear and purposeful, reach out to me at: bit.ly/DrPJS15