Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

49. (Updated) Secret Sauce | Weekly Wrap Up With Mackey & Colton



Colton and Mackey share a little about what's going on in the 2W world and how the creation of 2W, the idea to leave what they had and pursue something they believed in, took a leap of faith. They encourage others to take action in their lives. Take action on the field, in the classroom, at home. You are the driver in your own life, and it's time to take hold of what you have and work towards what you want. They go into the idea that we cannot compartmentalize our lives. We cannot put different events, different attitudes, different responsibilities in their own compartment. We have to realize that everything is connect, every moment, every interaction is connected, and the only way we can "win" at life is to win every single day in the small moments, small actions. Social Media Handles: @mackeyspeaks @fullcurlcolton @2wordstv