Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

104. Be Of Good Character | Live at the Leadership Summit



In our latest episode, Mackey is live at the Leadership Summit encouraging coaches and leaders to be of good character. Mackey talks about how we can put rings on a finger and records on a wall, but all of those things are temporary and can be taken away at any given moment, but the one thing that cannot be taken away is your character. As you help raise up the next generation, recognize that they will not learn from words on a paper or bold words painted in the locker room. They will learn from the quiet actions of your life. Winning is a by product of being successful. When you commit to being successful in the little things, success in your life and in who you are, others will see that and that will begin to shape who they are. Simply talking about it isn't enough, our actions must follow. If we are different in private than we are in public, one day we will be exposed. Your private life will always become your public life.