Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

235. Navigating the Coach at Home Season with Colton and Mackey



In the midst of uncertainty with school and business closures, Mackey and Colton bring us this episode, where they discuss accepting reality, taking action, and being there for our athletes and our F.A.M.I.L.Y. Mackey and Colton want to remind us that it's okay to be blindsided by the current situation because no one could have seen this coming. But what is not okay is to stay blindsided and lamenting that things are not as they should be. Our student-athletes deserve better from us than that. During this crisis, we can band together and go the extra mile for our students. We may be stuck at home, but we're not powerless. We can and we will go the extra mile to continue coaching beyond the game. Key Takeaways: -Use this time to go the extra mile with your students. -Make sure you're taking care of your F.A.M.I.L.Y. -Accept the reality of the situation and take action.   To learn more about our e-learning opportunities, please email Colton at