Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

245. Real Love is Sacrifice | Kirk Sundberg | Valley Christian HS, AZ



Love is not weakness. Love is strength. Love makes you willing to die to self for your teammates. It makes you willing to serve them. Without love, there's no service, no selflessness, and no sacrifice As we've said many times before, sacrifice is required to find success. When you love your team and your teammates, you will sacrifice for them, and together, you will succeed.  In this episode, Coach Kirk Sundberg explains that real love is sacrifice. And, he reminds us that love brings strength and success to our team. Key Takeaways: -Do not be timid or fearful. -Coaches must be both loving and tenacious. -Love is not weakness. Love is strength.   To learn more about our 2Words Character Development Curriculum and our e-learning resources, email Colton at or visit