Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

258. Daily Actions to Fight Racism with Mackey



Systemic racism is a topic too big for any one person to tackle. That's why a movement grew on social networking sites and turned into protests in the streets. The movement is people, black and white and everything in between, coming together to say "This is wrong and I will not remain silent." In this episode, Mackey addresses current events related to systemic racism and his perspective on why we have to keep fighting until it's gone.  Key Takeaways: -We have to call right right and wrong wrong. We cannot allow wrong to be normal. -Saying “I don’t see color” is not helpful in fighting racism, it just normalizes everyone else’s experience to your own. -What starts on Twitter can't stay on Twitter.   To learn more about the 2words Character Development and our e-learning resources, please email Colton at or visit our website at   Schedule a time for Mackey to virtually encourage your athletes by emailing Alyssa at