Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

259. The Culture Mindset | Billy Mathis | Weatherford HS



Culture is a mindset. When your mindset is that your team's culture matters and the values you talk about settle into your daily mindset as guiding principles, that mindset, that culture, becomes evident to your athletes so that they can share in it. When athletes see that the athletic program is important to their coaches, the program will become important to them, too. In this episode, Coach Billy Mathis discusses the importance of culture in building a successful athletic program. Key Takeaways: -Culture is a mindset. -Athletes can hold each other accountable. -Kids will run through a brick wall for you if they know that you love them.   To learn more about the 2Words Character Development Curriculum and our e-learning resources, please email Colton at or visit our website,   Connect with Coach Mathis: @coachn_4christ