Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

266. On Sexual Harassment with Jesse Mahler and Valencia Peterson



Most young people look at respect as something you earn, not something that is given to you. But this thinking is completely backward. We should respect others because of who WE are, not who they are. Respect is at the core of creating a team and school culture where it's not only okay, but expected that student-athletes will stand up and say "this is not right" with regards to sexual harassment.  In this episode, Jesse Mahler and Valencia Peterson discuss how coaching is a platform for preventing sexual harassment. There is a privilege that comes with being a coach, and we need to use that to our advantage to stop sexual harassment from happening in our schools. Key Takeaways: -Coaching is a platform for sexual harassment prevention. -Respect looks like healthy communication and vulnerability. -Repetition is everything.   Valencia Peterson is an assistant football Coach at Penn Wood Highschool in Pennsylvania and is the Founder of Open Door Abuse Awareness Prevention also known as ODAAP. Find more of her w