Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

280. I Just Don't Have Time with Mackey



The main reason given for not establishing character development as a routine part of an athletic program is lack of time. But here's the truth about time: We make time for what we value. If we "don't have time" for character development, it's because we don't value it enough. In this episode, Mackey explains that we have to take control of making time for the things that we value. We are responsible for making things like character development a priority and organizing our time accordingly. Key Takeaways -It's not about the amount of time you spend on character development; it's about the quality and intentionality of that time. -If we don't audit our time, we're likely wasting our time. -Don't let what you cannot control keep you from controlling what you can.   To learn more about the 2Words Character Development Curriculum, please email Colton at or visit