Coach 360: A Podcast For High School Coaches

283. Deliberate Discomfort with US Army Lieutenant Colonel Andy Riise of Coaching Academy



This week, Mackey talks with retiring US Army Lieutenant Colonel Ingebrigt A.L. “Andy” Riise.   Andy is a Mental Performance Coach, Consultant, Speaker, and Author who passionate is helping individuals, leaders, and teams get better at what they do. A West Point graduate and former Army Football player, he had a decorated 20 year career, leading soldiers in a variety of austere missions highlighted by three combat deployments, strategic missions on four continents, and five years in two elite Special Forces units.   They talk football, the importance of coaches, and Andy’s new book, Deliberate Discomfort: How US Special Operations Forces Overcome Fear and Dare to Win by Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.   As if all that wasn’t enough, Andy is also a key leader at the Texas A&M Coaching Academy and instrumental in the Veterans to Coaching program.