Sales Integrity

38: Sales Prospecting by the Numbers (Part 6) - The Power of Video



“The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.” [Source: Mist Media] On today’s “Sales Prospecting by the Numbers” discussion we focus on “The Power of Visuals and Using Video” as our primary topic. We unpack this statistic a bit and provide 3 specific tips on how to use video extensively in your prospecting and selling activities. Additionally, we recommend 3 specific technology tools you can use to quickly create video content and make it available for prospects to connect with you through it. Finally, we even recommend a tool that allows you to use video within emails, for both introductory emails and follow up emails. If you have known for some time that you need to weave the use of video into your prospecting and selling efforts but just haven’t figure out how to do so yet, then you will want to listen to this episode.