Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

GAR! Podcast Episode 37: Ultron, We Would Have Words With Thee



This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following: New Year's resolutions / Charles Soule / Superman and Wonder Woman / Thunderbolts / Jonathan Hickman's Avengers / Hickman's Fantastic Four / Avengers moments / New Universe / 18 member roster / the hook / lag / Superior Spider-Man / Dan Slott / Furious / Star Wars comics / 1980s independent comics / rare black and white comics / Glenn talks about Godzilla again / Ray reacts to Wonder Woman rumor / source material / Bobby "The Brain" Heenan / Links: Charles Soule interview at Biff Bam Pop! Glenn's review of Superman/Wonder Woman #1 why not Superman and Wonder Woman? Glenn talks Hickman's early Avengers here and hereat Biff Bam Pop! All of Glenn's Infinity reviews can be found hereat Biff Bam Pop! in reverse chronological order Glenn on the return of the New Universe Glenn on Superior Spider-Man in Age of Ultron Glenn's Age of Ultron reviews at Biff Bam Pop! Furious on Facebook All Things Fun! Glenn reviews Star Wars #3 from Dark Hors