Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

The GAR! Podcast 121: Cartoons, Comics, and Controversy



This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following: intro / technical difficulties / Marvel anime / the Punisher / special effects / feeling good about the Punisher / Glenn doesn't like the Punisher / Ray loves the Punisher / Punisher The End / Colonel of Two Worlds / KFC and The Walking Dead / Ray sings / Earth-Three / Secret Wars and Sue / comic news / bad behavior in comics / turning folks off to comics / Julius Schwartz / sexual harassment in comics / The Avatar Returns / baseball and Back to the Future / closing / Frank Miller still hates superheroes / Links: Colonel of Two Worlds Ben Grimm's Twitter Dark Horse Incident Gobbledygeek The Avatar Returns Biff Bam Pop! Glenn's Twitter Ray's Twitter The Adventures of Ray The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher The GAR! Podcast on iTunes The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook Contact us directly here.