Optimize Your Business & Your Life With Stacey Hylen

Episode #7 Blissonomic$ with Lisa McKenzie Being happy + living your purpose + making a living = Blissonomics



n our conversation with Lisa we hear so many reasons for striving to find that sweet spot between work and personal fulfillment. In many ways Lisa’s approach epitomizes what we are trying to achieve in bringing you this podcast! Some tips Lisa shares to get you started: -Focus on your skillset. -Define the kind of business you want to share with the world. -How can you then market that for optimal exposure? You will learn all about the pitfalls to avoid when searching for your bliss, how to take the baby steps you need to find it with minimal risk, and how to master “growth with trust” once you get your business going. Tune in to learn more and be sure to check our Lisa’s FREE course Finding Your Bliss Spot.