Live And Active Pop Culture

Episode 34- Spicy Beef Stick and a Diet Coke



  Another new episode of LAPC? Well it must be your lucky day! In this episode we discuss why why Dane was angry at an aphasia awareness walk, Derek attempts to call Sunkist's help line, and we talk about our choices of things that need to be retired from pop culture. Caitlin also explains why Bieber is in trouble, we figure out what facebook live is and why the Chewbacca lady is relevant and the important announcement that Disney movies will soon be coming to Netflix. We also make a couple of HUGE announcements- First- we are excited to announce the Live and Active Pop Culture Club- where we take in a bit of content each month and devote a mini episode to discussing that. Our choice for June is the book "The Circle" by Dave Eggers, soon to be a movie starring Emma Watson. We will be recording an episode discussing our thoughts in early July- so get on it! Second- we are again doing our Big Brother fantasy league, but are devoting multiple mini episodes to our discussions of BB18- so be looking for those soon