Both And

#27 The Future of Work with Paul Millerd



Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Paul Millerd about his career path, Jared's recent leap to self-employment, the incentives of benefits & healthcare, history of firm-based vs contract work, expectations of work & its connection to meaning & dignity, local community, the boundary between work & life, basic income, consumerism, GDP determined lifestyles, shared local commons, self-determination theory, the 40-hour workweek, the pathless path, work as service, complexity of teams & the role of chaos, and much more. In this Episode of Both/And Andrew Taggart If work dominated your every moment would life be worth living? On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt Zachary Stein on The Musing Mind Podcast Three Sacred Beliefs Undermining Universal Basic Income Drive by Dan Pink Twitter Questions Support Both/And by becoming a patron &/or subscribing & reviewing us on iTunes   Jared Janes participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to