Atari Bytes




Covid. Deaths. Hurricanes. Wildfires. Murder Hornets. Near misses with asteroids. And now, 2020 brings down upon us the worst of all...DEMON ATTACK! Okay, actually 1982 brought this and it's an Atari game courtesy of iMagic. It's our topic on episode 243 of the podcast. No podcasters were possessed by actual demons in the making of this episode. ...Or were they???? This week's short story: KING DEMON ATTACKS Thanks to Kevin McLeod at for creative commons use of his songs "Reformat", "Pinball Spring" and "Take a Chance". Thanks to Sean Courtney for the "Storytime" theme. Go to for show notes, social media, episodes and more for ATARI BYTES here and for my monthly ode to all things "Peanuts" IT'S A PODCAST, CHARLIE BROWN here. The website also has information and links to some places you can buy books written by me, including MISERY BANANA: VERY SHORT STORIES INSPIRED BY OLD GAMES AND ODD THOUGHTS. You can support the show by subscribing on the Atari Bytes page on