Awaken To Brilliance

Joyful Living with Quinn Curtis



Today is one JOYFUL show! We are joined by the super delightful and inspiring Quinn Curtis from The Joyful Living Podcast! I absolutely loved having her on! Thank you Quinn :) Her wisdom is packaged beautifully by her natural beaming glow and her presence brings so much smiles and laughter. More about Quinn Curtis: Quinn Curtis brings life-changing clarity to all who work with her by combining a unique skill set as a highly-sought-after Soul Brand + Marketing Strategist and Health + Wholeness Coach. Her intention is to support women and men everywhere in COMING ALIVE on ALL levels of their lives and businesses. Today we highlight: Joy is a feeling, not a destination. You can choose and be joyful in any moment, no matter what arises. We also discuss that it is of most importance to integrate all the wisdom and information through our life experience. She also shares her passion project, In Flow + On Fire. It's all about discovering and fanning the flames on your Divine Spark, while also