Awaken To Brilliance

Beyond Past Lives with the Glorious Mira Kelley



Hello Beautiful, today's show is absolutely fascinating! My special guest of honor is the amazing Mira Kelley. She is a joy to be with. Her voice emanates love and excitement. In this episode, Mira shines light on the mystical realms of existence and reveals the magic that lives in each moment. She informs us how it's all happening now. This perception brings forth universal wisdom and divine transformation. If you are intrigued by past lives and are passionate about creating the life of your dreams, then this show is for you!   Mira Kelley's Golden Quote:  Life is an 'Ecstatic explosion of synchronicity.'  Mira Kelley is a world-renowned expert on past life regression and the best-selling author of Beyond Past Lives. She facilitates workshops, retreats, individual consultations and speaks around the world, promoting the healing and transformation available through regression. Stories from Mira’s sessions are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and in Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. and