Awaken To Brilliance

Intimate Living with the Extra-ordinary John Burgos



Hello Beautiful! I am so honored to share this show with you and our special guest, John Burgos. Today's show celebrates life's eternal romance. This conversation is a sensual one. Settle in and join us, as we explore different expressions of love.  'Dare to get to know yourself better by engaging intimately with all aspects of life.'  'Let every moment be a catalyst for brilliance.' John Burgos: Most popularly known as the producer and host of Beyond The Ordinary Show, best selling author, and international motivational speaker, John Burgos has committed his life to improving and enriching the lives of others. Moved by the profound, shamanic experiences that ignited his trust in his innate, intuitive abilities, John has dedicated his passions to the awakening of spiritual consciousness to the masses. John is a talented and adept psychic/channel, guide and shaman for the new generation whose distinct style blends wit, wisdom, compassion, love, common sense and profound esoteric knowledge that activates soul