Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #37: Embracing your feminine, stepping into flow



Finding your feminine essence in a masculine world is not an easy feat. It’s a discovery, it’s a curiosity. As women, regardless of sexual orientation, we carry a watery nature, an essence, a juiciness and creativity that has been given to us by nature. We can create and birth a human being. Menstruation is one way the body expresses that power. Amenorrhea, or the absence of menses, during a time in our lives when we are expected to have it aka when we are not postmenopausal, is a sign of imbalance. A sign, that points toward something undiscovered. Kristen so thoughtfully shares how she is peeling away the layers to find her feminine essence; how she willingly sets her PhD-achiever-self aside and embraces the softness and flow of the feminine.   Your feminine essence is already there. You just need to find it.   What you get from tuning in: What living in your feminine feels like How to tap into your watery, unctuous, feminine nature Why menstruating is divine and important even if you don’t want to have c