Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #39: Getting unmarried: How to thrive as a woman after divorce



Divorce suck but life doesn’t have to. Getting divorced is not a failure. Getting divorced can be a massive opportunity for growth. There are no mistakes in life. There is only lessons learnt. But truth be told a relationship death can also be tremendously heartbreaking. Using the language of “getting un-married” versus “getting divorced” is one way of signaling that you are ready to empower yourself as a woman. Blooming after marriage is a skill than can be learnt. Daniella, psychotherapist and transformational coach, shares her journey through her own divorce, what feminine empowerment means to her and how to cultivate it.   What you get from tuning in: The lessons one can learn from divorce How to move from ‘once married’ to ‘empowered’ The power of receiving without guilt What it means to be a woman in her feminine energy Danielle’s top strategies to deal with grief caused by divorce How to step into your inner queen How to attract a high quality partner How to untangle co-dependent relationships