Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #42: Traumatic Accidents & Surgery. Recover the wise woman way.



This is the story of how Jackie Prete healed herself from a traumatic accident and how you can too. She found herself in excruciating pain and motionless in a hospital bed after being run over on her bike. The prospect was dire. Her shattered leg may leave her unable to walk, teach yoga, being potentially deformed for life and/ or permanently on crutches. Not a sunny outlook for anyone but especially dire for someone whose livelihood depends on teaching yoga and movement. A four hour surgery put her body back together. Her resilience and strong belief that she will heal carried her through mentally and emotionally. Simple and down to earth practices from Yoga and Ayurveda, diet & lifestyle practices were integral to her healing as well. Today Jackie travels worldwide again to share the power of yoga asana, diet and lifestyle practices.   What you get from tuning in: 5 simple strategies to work with the body and mind after an accident How to use yogic practices to heal more quickly from a severe accident