Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #49: Unravel your sexuality, clear what trips you up



Our sexuality, creativity, vital life force energy and the way we digest trauma are intrinsically interlinked. Krista Woroschuk and I shoot the breathe on how we can arrive in our bodies, unravel our sexuality and unleash our creative potential. What you get from tuning in: The link between trauma, vital life force energy and sexuality    5 Strategies to drop into the body to release trauma and access your sexuality and vital life force energy    Debunking the myth about women becoming less sexually desirable after 40    What is trauma and when are we most impressionable to it    How holding on to stories prevents us from healing our emotions    The relationships between emotions, sexuality and water element    The women’s movement of marrying yourself     Visit my Website  Join my private Facebook Group  Watch the free video series 5 secrets to a Better Menopause Upgrade your body experience. Apply for Body Joy