Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #53: Holistic strategies to reverse osteoporosis



Bone loss and bone weakening is a major concern for many women especially when getting older. The diagnoses of osteopenia and osteoporosis are dreaded ones not alone because it makes many of us feeling helpless. A year ago, Jackie Prete had been diagnosed with osteoporosis (bone loss) after a bike accident. This was on the heels of dealing with osteopenia (reduced bone mass) for a number of years prior to that. The numbers were very high and the doctors pressured her intently to take drugs. She refused. Jackie shares with us her approach on how she reversed her diagnosis using diet, lifestyle, exercise, Ayurveda and yoga; and how she dealt with the pressures from the medical community.   What you get from tuning in: The difference between building quantity vs quality bone Why digestion is crucially important to healthy bones Holistic strategies to navigate and potentially reverse your diagnosis Jackie’s 20 min routine to keep her bones healthy and reverse bone loss The role of the mind in bone loss One cruc