Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda For Midlife & Menopause

Episode #55: The boon of setting boundaries



Have you ever said Yes to an event you really wanted to say No to and then ended up dragging your feet there? I have. Do you tend to take on work although it is not really your job and you don’t get paid extra for it either?…. yep, know that one. Do you keep babysitting for your friend although you really wanted a day off? … I learnt not to. Many of us struggle setting boundaries. Yet setting boundaries skillfully is an integral part to a healthy and happy life. Creating mutually beneficial relationships is based on having explicit ground rules between one another. Being able to say No when we mean No, and being able to say Yes when we mean Yes will let another know where they stand and how much they can ask of you. Boundaries will protect you from burn out, resentment, anger and frustration. So then…I ask..…If setting boundaries is so important why do so many of us struggle to set them? And how can we learn to set them skillfully? Lael Peterson, long time therapist and coach, and I shine some light on the is