On The Couch With M & M

On the Couch with M&M | Code Red



Welcome to this weeks episode of ‘On the Couch with M&M.’ Business plans, on track or off track really start with your current financial position & the discipline and attitude you have around your business and personal finances. Operating in what we call ‘code red’ is absolutely critical in the best of markets, let alone in challenging markets as most are experiencing currently. In this short video, Manos & Maria revisit and recap on the importance of operating in ‘code red’ which is so often neglected or altogether avoided in agency practice. No one cares about your money as much as you do so having a sound grip on and taking full responsibility of business expenditure is ultimately the leaders responsibility. Manos & Maria share some straightforward tips on how to best manage and take control of your business expenses and cash flow. We hope you enjoy this weeks episode & welcome your comments & feedback and please share/tag a friend or colleague you think may benefit from the co