Taco Bout God

3.06 Taco Bout Mormons



Friends,  Ryan Dengel has once again introduced our podcast to some amazing people. We had the honor of getting to meet, know, and love Steve and Pam Caine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Also known as Mormons.  First of all, these two came prepared to talk about faith foods and shared a feast with us. It also shared an insight into how they walk with people. After our podcast, Pam gave each of us a fresh loaf of bread, jam, and a book of Mormon. (So Nice!) Their conversations also shared a lot about their community and hopefully disproves some misconceptions about Mormons. Our goal is to get to know our neighbor and after the recording we continued to chat for another 45-60 minutes about how our two communities could serve together. If you have more questions or have a recommendation for a future interview, please email us at Tacoboutgod@gmail.com Thanks for listening!