Taco Bout God

3.10 Taco Bout Centrist/Modern Orthodox Judaism



While we are still social distancing ourselves, we have allowed modern technology to continue to bring us together. We were honored to have Alyssa and Levi come onto the Podcast. If you are trying to google more about their faith tradition, start with "Centrist/Modern Orthodox Judaism" as they gave us a wonderful snapshot of their faith tradition.  It's probably typical for a lot of our listeners to have stereotypes that we've probably had about Orthodox Jews because of TV and Movies....Alyssa and Levi's explanations were really genuine and impactful, and hopefully, remove some of the stereotypes. It was also so kind of them to spend time explaining their faith just days before Passover. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did!  If you have questions or have a topic for us talk about, feel free to email us at TacoBoutGod@gmail.com