Queenin Podcast

Season 3, Episode 24 - “Finishing Faith”



The year’s end means the beginning of a new one with new possibilities. Amidst the chaos, take a step back to reflect. Have you truly stepped out in faith this year? Are there things you still need to complete? You don’t finish strong by cruising to the end of the finish line. If you see any race, it is the end is where it makes all the difference. This is the same for our spiritual race. We have to remain focus and remain steady. Tune in to the Queens as we discuss the importance of finishing the year out in faith. #bossbabes #houstonbossbabes #womeinbusiness #trendsetters #businesswomen #houstonbusiness #queenslinkup #newsegmentalert #lawyers #bloggers #fashion #tvpersonalities #thereal #spillthetea #salesandmarketing #houstonpodcast #femalepodcastersofinstagram