Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

Adapting Your Mindset to Grow With Your Business



Creating a business is basically like an endurance test. A lot of things need to be considered before you get going in order to make it work. It also takes a huge amount of effort, attention and energy to get something underway and your mindset plays a key part in its success or otherwise.  Sometimes we stay in the same mindset and activity that started the business when its way into a growth stage or even into longevity. No matter what stage you are at in your business, whether it's a startup or you've been in business for many years, it can be very useful to take note of your mindset and think about whether you’ve upgraded it or not over time.  In this episode, Catherine Connolly explores weathering the seasons of building a business.  Episode highlights:  The energy and effort needed to create a business - it’s like an endurance test Being stressed and frustrated is normal at the start of any business, but it shouldn’t last too long if you want to grow Are you suffocating your business?  Starting a busi