Mind Matters With Rex Urwin And Catherine Connolly Podcast

The Structure Of Beliefs And The World They Cause Each Of Us



The Structure Of Beliefs And The World They Cause Each Of Us Have you noticed that experiences from the past seem to recur time and time again? Is it simply a case of ‘Groundhog Day’ or could you potentially be re-creating those experiences because of long held beliefs which may or may not be true? If this sounds all too familiar, then this podcast is for you.   In this broadcast Rex Urwin and Catherine Connolly speak openly about the way our beliefs can either help or hinder the creation of our life experiences and quality of the life we live. Are you living to your fullest potential? Have you hit your ‘glass ceiling’?  Are you ready to consider and transform your way of thinking and being in the world? If these topics and this podcast resonates, read more about the content over on our website and consider embarking on your own transformation. INTRODUCING SUCCESS EXCELERATOR Success Excelerator is the perfect tool to help you literally rewire your brain and hardwire you for success with simple daily pr