Positive Sparkplug

Express & Serve oneself and community



In this episode, Derrick shares his story of how he grew up in a religious family and how within the years in college he battled within where he was in his faith and how he developed a relationship with god and became a pastor. Derrick shares how poetry and writing has been apart of his life since he was a young boy but it became a way that he was able to open up and express himself and connect within those who embraced his church as well as during open mic nights. Derrick Even though doing Sunday services became to notice he was unfulfilled and depressed even to the point he carried around a knife just in case a moment came he needed to take his life. He shares of moving to a new church and reaching out and connecting more with a community helped him feel closer to the work god was calling him to do as a pastor. This episode is a story of faith, expression of ones self through written and spoken word and so much more, its a must listen too. Derrick is truly an inspiration and light to this world and it was s