Overdrive: Cars, Transport And Culture

Overdrive: Nissan Leaf helps power Canberra; Volkswagen Touareg; Hyundai Xcient; Jaguar Wedding car



Welcome to Overdrive, a program that ponders on the issues of motoring and transport News 1. Car Sales Figures for June 2020 bounce back a bit (1:30) 2. Nissan leaf industry-first vehicle-to-grid charging technology launched in Australia (2:26) 3. World’s first fuel cell heavy-duty truck, xcient fuel cell, heads to Europe for commercial use (3:25) 4. Go electric or go off road: customers choose with Jaguar land rover and pivotal subscription (4:31) 5. Volkswagen's Touareg V8 is the premium performance choice (5:26) Interviews 1. Alan Zurvas and I review Volkswagen’s Large SUV – the Touareg (6:43) 2. And Last week we heard from Chris about preparing is classic Jag for his daughter’s wedding. This week we hear from the daughter about what it was like growing up with a father who had a passion for old Jaguars. (12:59) Quirky news • And Brian Smith and I discuss the unusual transport impacts of COVID-19 (22:04) You can find more information at Driven Media or previous programs are available as podcasts on