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Mr. Fancypants Is Building Bridges



Justin welcomes Paul Goren, Director for Northwestern University's Center for Education Efficacy, Effectiveness and Equity. Paul is a life-long educator who has worked at the intersection of education practice, policy and research. Most recently he was superintendent of schools for Evanston/Skokie District 65. He currently directs a center focused on producing usable knowledge at the Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy. Justin's favorite antectode from the podcast: Paul, whose mother was a teacher on the far south side of Chicago, would very affectionately and very proudly call Paul and say, "Oh, Mr. Inside the Beltway Fancypants, what have you done for us today?" Meaning teachers, principals, social workers, folks in the front line.   No doubt influenced by a loving and supportive mother who worked on the front lines of American education, Paul has dedicated his life to being that authentic bridge between thoughtful, research-based policies and practical execution by teachers.