Candi Andcompany

Undercover with Jimmy Thomas



8pm PST 11pm EST Can you imagine waking up next to him? Jimmy Thomas has graced the cover of hundreds of Romance novels and the hearts and minds of thousands of fans. He joins us live this week for a discussion on Romance, Fitness and beign Jimmy Thomas. Born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Jimmy began his active lifestyle at a very young age; from neighborhood sports of football, street & roller-blade hockey, to 2 years on a local soccer team as their team goalie. Jimmy then joined his school's cross-country track team, and also ventured on to the wrestling mat. With all the sports and activities he participated in, he found his biggest liking in weight-training. Along with his high school friend Dave, Jimmy vigorously worked out almost every day during his final years of high school... which led the beginning of who Jimmy Thomas is today.