Candi Andcompany

Let's Live It Author Night



Alexis Morgan grew up near St. Louis and received a B.A. in English from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She and her husband have made the Pacific Northwest their home for more than thirty years, where she launched her career as a writer. She is published in contemporary romance, American West historicals, and currently writes paranormal romances for Pocket Star and Silhouette Nocturne. Her book, Darkness Unknown, is a finalist in the RITA's, the top award in the romance genre. Adrian Phoenix a writer, a person, and a mother, I've always believed in following your dreams, following your heart. It's also important to keep your heart, so I also believe in being prepared for zombie attacks and can't stress enough the importance of having regular family drills so every member of the household is zombie-ready. One never knows.Make sure the sofa is ready to push in front of the door. be clear that if a member of the family is on the wrong side of the door when the zombie action goes down. They remain