Q Podcast

Episode 197 | Fully Known: Mo Isom Aiken



We were made for intimacy—spiritual intimacy with God that brings oneness and bears powerful fruit. We were made to know Him and be known by Him, fully. So why do we often feel burnt-out, distant and disheartened in our journey of faith? Sharing her own story, Mo Aiken helps us wrestle with this question in today’s episode of the Q Ideas Podcast. Author of the new book Fully Known: An Invitation to True Intimacy with God, Mo helps us see why this message is so important—especially for our current cultural moment. This conversation is part of our Q Ideas Book Tour, where each month we feature authors who share ideas important for this cultural moment. Want to join us for additional resources and conversations as part of the Q Ideas Book Tour? Get connected at qideas.org/booktour.